03 September 2009

Srsly WTF: Restaraunt Douche Bags

Last Night

I don't understand when people are fucking rude. Especially when you're polite and kindly apologize like the gentleman you were brought up to be. Needless to say, rushing to a table for some delicious wings and cheap booze, we are informed by this middle aged dude and his wife (Both in very demeaning tones of voice) that, "This is our table, we reserved it." We then kindly apologized to his majesty and made way to wait. Then a few thoughts came to mind:

1. This is an establishment that runs on serving appetizers, I doubt reservations are needed.
2. Why the fuck is he wearing a gold chain?
3. Why would any self respecting middle-aged man think it was cool to bring his wife to a place where young people hang out?
4. I bet you, he plays softball on Sundays/beats his wife/his wife beats him.

10 minutes pass, we are seated with drink in hand. We notice he and his lady are at the bar, complaining, because apparently they believe that they should be served ASAP and shouldn't have to wait, regardless of the amount of people ahead of them. So of course, Karma being awesome, we get our orders way before they do, have a chuckle with the server, watching as they storm off furious, realizing the fact that assholes never win. Ever.

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